Top 10 ways YOU can help the 2024 First Immanuel “A Hollywood Night-FILmed in Black & White” Dinner Auction
1. Save the date – May 10th, 2024.
2. Become a sponsor.
3. Donate a completed basket. Check Pinterest or Etsy for ideas!
4. Donate a bottle of wine to the Wine Grab. Must be more than $10 value.
5. Donate an item for the silent auction. Must be new and unopened.
6. Buy raffle tickets.
7. Be on a committee. Help with plans, signs, callbacks or promotions.
8. Volunteer on auction day with set up, decor, bidding, check-in/out.
9. Make any monetary donation. No contribution is too small!
10. Attend! Invite friends to join you!
To make arrangements for any of the above, please stop by the school office or contact the auction committee at filauction@fils.orgor call 262-377-6610.